Sunday, July 29, 2007

Well it is. It just is. Welcome to my life.

Life is.
Too tight.
I know, a ridiculous name for a blog.But hey, its really tight.
Tight situations at work, in relationships, and well also with the wardrobe.hehe..yes, it was meant to be funny.

Its pouring like it's one of the days when Noah might have to take out his ark. DAMn, I wish that doesn't happen, but by the look of it, it might just. This city is going down. And we have been getting quite a lot of signs, and its sad how people are ignoring it. Bombay, now christened Mumbai a few years back, but I still like calling it Bombay. The good old days. Mumbai, well its funny how things grow on you. Like the big apple story. Really, there was this quaint showon MTV a few years back.. I remember, when Cyrus Broacha was quite new to this Veejaying thing, he went around New York, like he does now in local bombay gullies...and he asked people of how Big Apple came to be called " Big Apple". And its interesting how none of them knew.Well, maybe some dumb politician's favorite fruit at that time happened to be The Apple, OR maybe, his apple orchard, actually produced a Big apple which won the humongous fruit award at the local market fair!

Bombay-Mumbai-Mumbhai-what else?! BombayLIFE has changed drastically, since as I knew of the places. Buying a Jealous jeans for a 1000 bucks was such a big deal, when I was in school. And now the bombay markets won't sell anything below 750 rupees! Mcdonalds, is an essential hangout place. and I'm glad people are cottoning on to Domino's when they need pizzas, because when once upon a time, walking through a known celebrity area, me and my friends, were offered 4 huge pizzas, free of cost, by an Amrikan couple, while we were checking out Mumbai's small time actor's and now fashion lovers paradise, which happened to be our backyard. And we returned home, and everyone except me hated those damnned good american style pizzas. I know, that those guys haven't done anything great to their pizzas even now, they taste just the same...and well, they sell because of their excellent delivery campaign..." 30 minutes nahin toh free" .

I remember how we would wear astonishingly ragged clothing, while we would go hang out at this place.When as we became older, that people actually dressed up to come here!


We grew up in this market, and you guys actually dress up! please.

I miss my old days.

They were good, we even had something called as summer vacations! Boy! I wish I could have them at the work.Even weekends aren't enough. There is always a weekend or two which I have to sacrifice, for work. And nobody likes that. You have to cancel your tickets, make plans for another week. Get a good night's sleep some other time. Today as I walked into the hospital.Yes, My grandpa isn't well, and also, my cousin, who by the way, is a good biker, had an accident, he tried to save this boy who was walking with his cellphone glued to the conversation, that he didn't see my kid bro zoom in. Alas, my bro got his stitches, and the whole family rushed to see him. I love families. They keep us together :)

Neways. everythings under control.

Don't I just love this line! But I don't like" How do we go about it? and ASAP! sheesh, there's gotta be an alternative.
Maybe next time, I will be back with one.


Till then.
Astalavista Baby!

Wish me a Happy Manic Monday.



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