Lot of things happen, mostly we come to acknowledge them and most times we don't.Like a child who gets down from a free ride, shows her drawing to you and you appreciate it, she claps, and you smile, her mother gets down, not acknowledging your presence and then she walks off. You take the ride to your destination. You stare at faces in the train, sadness, anger, a daze. A journey is mere contemplation, a reflection on the thoughts of idiosyncrasies, weird as they are but very individual and itchy. At times, they move you, at times they ennervate. I am here now, I am happy now. The world is moving on.
Things change, people move. And in their hearts they are still the same. You watch a movie, it takes you in on a life's secret. A peepshow, A gossip column for you to later elaborate on, as a review or as a recommendation. An act that is completely natural. You listen to Beethovan and you dream, you move with the rhythm and you beg it to not stop. Just one more time.
Don't you just love to run, run wild, amok? I like to run. It's freedom, when I would run in school I would do it because I wanted to win, I now want to run because it makes me feel better, maybe I want to remember what it was like...
I observed a sparrow, Passer Domesticus, I observed how quaint they are, chirping away, so cute indeed, and I wondered that they would be the most free birds in India today besides the crow. So free. Indians believe crows to be freespirits of those who have left us for the heavens and it is such a beautiful notion that besides the stork and the hawk, a domestic bird lives a free life. Now as more and more concrete buildings come up, the numbers diminish. Maybe the crow will live, for it is well fed by the orthodox society. But the poor lil sparrow will vanish, as she finds that the cities have begun to ignore them. I remember an old poem in Marathi which went, chimni bai chimni bai kuthey jaata ghai ghai?
Hey Sparrow lady , Hey Sparrow lady, where are you off to?
Well, in a few years, that poem will diminish too.
Children of Heaven
Children of Heaven

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