Ok, Have bunked worked today, and the inspiration has not only come from avoiding the unwanted puddles that reside at the station, with peoples spittoon mixed in them, the dirty platforms, educated women who cud easily be recruited in the profession of fisher folk, its also my Boss. Its annoying. To face all this and then get comfy in at your desk, where the only people you find yourself reciprocating with are your 30-something colleagues. There is a grand desire to stop and stare at the computer and listen to the silence. Which is often and most occasionally being disturbed by the unnerving, unstable, and hyperactive copywriter. Yes, that would be me. Wow, but being a copywriter who writes about medicines and advertises them to just make a hit with the doctor. let me tell you, that advertising is a lot more than what we do here. We are merely the super puppets of our servicing agents who are the puppets of the clients. My servicing head is really impressive, sometimes I think that he's more smarter than my Boss...lol.
But you don't expect an agency looking like a you'd be walking in the emergency room next.Thats what my wonderful little world where I spend my 13 hours of my life at, looks like. Yea, I have a handful. And well, each day, I just possibly try to get along. And it hits you, when your work isn't approved, or more likely not liked as to the tuning of your servicing people's inclinations.Yea, well who cares really? I do, becoz my job is on the line right. One of the agencies who happens to pay a lot more to copywriters. A hell lot more. So the question should be. We are such suckers for money. Haven't we all heard. Money makes the world go round. Nah not only that.
Money makes your world, lick you, walk with you, walk behind you, trail you, fan you, call you for meetings, parties, heck even for conversations, so that they get some dope on your basics, or where u learned them from. Bastards. Liars. Hell, who cares of such fake people. We rather leave them at the doorstep and never meet.
I walk this world with my head held high, and when I remember things that have hurt people, I realise I am just human, and walk away with a little guilt in my heart.
profound eh?
ur walking about style reminds me...
what chappals are you wearing nowadays??...
oh they are those converse sneakers...with a star on each...love them...i look like a vagabond, who never ties his shoes..;)
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