One fine day, naaah
One monday night, where you have spent all your day, slogging your brain off, working on creative "thoughts", you reach the platform,completely oblivious to what's coming next.
A 12 coach train stops by, after you've waited for 3 whole minutes, and you enter the second class, i have been warned by fellow inmates of my singlehood-traumatic-working-girl-group of girls, that the1st class is much better if you wish to deal with stress.
Here's the story.
We passed Bandra, and it announced 9:28 on the yellow blinkers that the world of Bombay easily reckons with. As we landed on Khar, Men stormed the 2nd class women's compartment. because after 9:30 pm, the women's dabba gets converted to a men's one, very conveniently,and as we women are docile and enjoy the peace and quiet in the train, trying to drown ourselves into the journey, or thinking about what the world doesn't care about >(like the way, a woman slipped the piece of plastic right out the window, once she finished eating her wafers, while I put my tissue in the bag to drain it off in my garbage bin) Oh yeah, and these men, jump right in, like its their right. And well, they are a bit careful, but there are also those, who want to string that little snake right into you.And as you get up, other docile creatures look up at you with fear in their eyes and you wonder why are these women, still hanging around,when they should just up and leave? But No, that would show their fear. And women aren't afraid. But thank you very much. I am. Truthfully, I am scared of that little snake, and, its silly, but I would spew abuses if anyone, especially on a railway station; would even try that on me. As I hung by the gates that opened to Hell(by Hell i mean the eager men, who are wanting to jump into the cold war area), I started on a spew of abuses that kept people at bay, and I was ready with a good strong umbrella to give a good hit, to where it hurt. Anyways, I became a shield for those women, who wanted to get down, and happily they did. i did too. Because men, understand the language of insult than a cajoling one, They have heard enough cajoling from their wives.
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